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advanced signal kit...CEPSTRUM

Hello guys
i found out that in the new advanced signal toolkit there is a vi for realizing the that true?
has anybody used it by now?is there a chance someone to give me some more info?if possible to post a jpeg or something of the vi's block diagram?im using labview 7.0. i want to implement the cepstrum for time/pitch scaling in time domain and i cant seem to be able to build it doing something wrong obviously..i guess the parameters or something...please any help would much be appreciated.any help...
kind regards
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Message 1 of 9
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Message 2 of 9
i have already seen this not sure that it works correct though.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9
Hello madgreek,
The Advanced Signal Processing Toolkit does contain VIs for calculating Real Cepstrum.
I have attached a screenshot of one of the sub-palettes of this toolkit for your reference.
This toolkit also comes with example VIs and I verified that there is atleast one example on this specific function.
I am afraid that I cannot post any information on the working of these VIs.
Let us know if you need any more information.
Chetan K
Application Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

hello again and thanks all of you for your help.

i have the advanced signal toolkit for labview 7.0 (i dont know if there is a difference on what version you using) but i cant seem to be able to find the cepstrum vi.

do you know what the problem might be?am i missing some drivers or something?in my "functions" there is the subpalette "advanced signal processing".isnt this the same toolkit you referring too?

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Message 5 of 9



The version of the toolkit that I used for the previous screenshot was Version 7.5.

I just verified that the Real was not a part of the older version of the toolkit and this is the problem that you are facing. You can verify the version of the toolkit by opening up Measurement & Automation Explorer and then expanding "Software" under "My System" and then looking under the specific LabVIEW version.



Chetan K

Application Engineer

National Instruments


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Message 6 of 9

yes you are right about the differences between versions.its not included in mine.

anybody else can help me about how to design a REAL CEPSTRUM for time/pitch scaling of audio signals???

any help/info is wellcome 


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Message 7 of 9

sir ,


I dont have the LABVIEW advanced toolkit for cepstrum analysis. As said by the defenition of cepstrum, is it possible to have cepstrum analysis, with out installing the advanced toolkit.I want to try it as follows

 1.First take FFT (power spectrum)

2. Then take logaritham(base 10)

3. then take Inverse fourier transform , then we get cepstum


 Thank you 

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Hello bibimohanan,


Try this:




FFT Power Spectrum.jpg




Logarithm Base 10.jpg




Inverse FFT.jpg




Jeff L.

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Message 9 of 9