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automation builder labview

hi all , im trying to track an object and measure it in a roi using the rake , im trying to use the measurement to then control an voltage out put on a 6008 daq .

my issues .

i can get the measurement to work fine and the tracking using the automation inspection builder. when i try an import the pid voltage vi from labview it tells me that i can only use labview versions 2 years lower that the builder. im using labview 2013 and builder 2013.

when i resave the vi in an earlier version of labview , the code is broken as all the subvi`s dont save.


i then tried to import the automation builder steps into labview and i have an evaluation version and it wont let me . i have a licenced version of 2009 .


then i tried to build the whole thing in labview , and im getting no where ?


any suggestion ?


basicily what in trying to do is track a ball with in limits , top limit controler output 0% lower limit 100% and propottioned in between




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Message 1 of 2

Is the 2009 license for the Automated Inspection Builder?


To import Automation Inspection Builder scripts into LabVIEW, you need a license for the NI-Vision Development Module. If it is coming up in evaluation mode, it may be the case that a vision development module license is not benig detected on your system?


Related Link - KB 432GM1IZ: Migrating a Vision Builder for Automated Inspection Script to LabVIEW

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