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check file if it's corrupt

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i have a problem with corrupt files.

i think, the PC was switched off, while labview writes my txt file...

is there a way to check if i file is corrupt ?

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Message 1 of 4

If you mean "syntactically" corrupted from the point of view of operating system, journaling of filesystem (if available, i.e. you are using NTFS and not FAT) should take care of it.


If you mean corruption of data inside, I fear that you have to verify it on your own, for example searching for a given pattern at the end of each line or something like this...


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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author Ralph.D

i have insert a crc check.

but the problem i had, that the user could type the filename in and that no filtering of illegal characters are made. so labview couldn't save a file with illegal characters in the filename...

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Message 3 of 4

And what does illegal characters in the filename have to do with whether a file is corrupt? Those are two completely different, independent, nothing to do with each other issues.


If you want to check for illegal characters, search this forum, as this question has come up before many times, and numerous approaches have been provided.

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Message 4 of 4