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icon library license

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Hi all,


I would like to use an icon from National Instruments icon library in my own non-LabVIEW program. The question is what are exactly the license terms for those images?


There is no license included with the downloadable set, and the description on Icon Library page reads "icons that you can download and use for free in your own VIs, toolbars, and applications", which sounds nice but kind of vague. Is "toolbars and applications" means only LabVIEW ones or in any arbitrary program?


Please advice.

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author pshchelo

I checked in with the powers-that-be.  As long as the icon does not contain a product logo (e.g. NI eagle, LabVIEW logo), it can freely be used for anything.  Most of them are fairly standard icons.  The product logos are copywrited.

Message 2 of 3

Thank you for the answer, although a more specific license type (public domain?) would be helpful.


As I want to use a simple generic icon (no NI/LabVIEW logo etc), I'll just make a mention of the icon's origin in my project docs.

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Message 3 of 3