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insert vi stopped working

I have been using "Insert VI" with much success. Suddenly, today, the very first VI I load won't let me type in the control fields or press any buttons. The VI will work stand-alone. Remember, this worked previously. I have made no changes to the VI but it stopped working when called by "Insert VI".


What could be causing this?

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Message 1 of 5

I assume you are talking about sub panels. Is the vi reentrant?


According to the help, there can be several reasons why the method can fail if the VI is non reentrant:

  • if the front panel of the VI is open
  • if the VI is already loaded into another sub panel
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Message 2 of 5

When the VI is already loaded, LabVIEW will display an error that it is already open. That is not the case. The VI opens into the SubPanel, but its GUI functions don't work.


Since my original post, I created a test VI to call the sub-VI using SubPanel Insert, This new VI works just fine.


I am wondering if there is a setting that was changed in the original calling VI??


I can find no explaination why the Subpanel insert function doesn't work on the original calling VI, yet the functionality works for the new calling VI.

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Message 3 of 5

I have just encountered the same problem.  Any luck resolving this with the original calling VI.  I am using LV2010

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Message 4 of 5

Hello MikeNA,


You may want to refer to this KnowledgeBase article on subpanel controls, which outlines a few caveats for using subpanels. Does this behavior occur when using a shipping example to call the subVI? If you are able to provide the main VI and the subVI you are trying to call, or a code snippet that shows this behavior, I may be able to offer more specific advice. 

Tom L.
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Message 5 of 5