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logosbrw.dll strange behavior


I am using the PSP Browser example found at and a strange behavior ocurred.

This example calls the DLL logosbrw.dll to list shared variables.

The response got with the "Next" function located in "logosbrw.dll". In some cases when I browsing tags In NI OPC Servers

some Folder items are returned with browseType_ value BT_ITEM and the correct value is BT_FOLDER.


See picture for the expected and the returned values.



Bruno Costa

Automation Engineer

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Message 1 of 4

Hi Bruno,


Let me help you with your problem.


So, you're intending to programmatically list deployed shared variables calling logosbrw.dll. Besides, you want to list some properties of those SV (like Access Mode and Data Type).  Is that right?


Let me ask you a few questions so that I can get it better:


1) Which version of LabVIEW are you working with?


2) Do you have the DSC module installed? If so, Have you already tried to use either "Get Shared Variable List VI" or  "Get Shared Variable Type VI" DSC functions?


I'll be waiting for your feedback to move forward.


Best Regards!

Felipe Flores
Technical Support Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

Hi Bruno.


So, you make any progress? Give us news about it.

Success in your application.


Best Regards,



Wesley Rocha
Application Engineer
National Instruments Brazil

Visite a nossa comunidade em PORTUGUÊS!!!

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Message 3 of 4



1) I'm using 8.6.1 and 2012.


2) Yes, I have the DSC module. The first don't have GetSharedVariableType and the second one have, but don't return a valid response for items inside of an I/O Server.


In resume, the problem continue.

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Message 4 of 4