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I am experiencing random LabView crashes on a test program that is designed to run for 200 hours. The crashes occur at about 24 hours and 36 hours into the run. The same operations are perfromed on a 2 minute cycle for the entire test duration. One suggestion was made to run the Microsoft driver "verifier" tool. This tool stress tests drivers loaded in windows.  I ran this tool and the results pointed to "nipalk" driver.



My questions: 


Has this tool ever been run on NI drivers? 

What issue has this tool identified?

Can NI process the dump file using their symbol file to improve the report? 

Could the results help identify the cause of the LabView crashes?



I have attached the dump file and report.

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Message 1 of 9

Is LabVIEW crahing with a message or just freezing up?  Did you look at memory usage while running the program?


I have no idea on your report.  Hopefully an engineer will stop by and help.

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Message 2 of 9

Have you checked on the windows side too? 


Turn off all the "power saving" nonsense, set everything to "stay on", "never sleep", etc. 

Disable power management in device manager for all the USB hubs and devices you use.


Take a look through the windows event logs, look for any sort of cleanups or antivirus records that may take place around those times. 


'Doze may be causing the problems because that application/service has been running for a long time and it thinks its hung up.

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Message 3 of 9

I'm running Win 7 32 bit & LabView 32 bit.  LabView just dies with no user meaasges or anything of note in the Event log.  I have monitored memory usage using Task Manager and not seen any significant increase in memory usage or resuorces over time.

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Message 4 of 9

I think I have disabled all the USB power management.  For the driver stress test, you setup the parameters and then reboot.  Initially I had selected all non Microsoft drivers.  the computer would not boot and the screen was displaying random pixelated data.  I reset the selection to stress test NI drivers.  Upon reboot, it crashes with the attached dump file before Windows gets started.  

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Message 5 of 9

Is your program still crashing? Is it a stand-alone LabVIEW program or are you using TestStand to call LabVIEW?


Have you tried the program on another computer? What drivers are you using?


Lastly, could you please post a MAX Technical Report and a screenshot of what the program is doing at crash?

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Message 6 of 9

The program has experienced two crashes.  One at about 24 hours and the other at about 36 hours.  We had a run of about 47 hours that was manually stopped and did not crash. The requirement is 200 hours for burn-in. 


LabView is running stand-alone. I have assembled a spare VXI chassis, DMM and switch card.  The only difference between the spare and production system is the the VXI to computer interface.  Spare = MXI-2, Production = VXI-USB. 


I built a test case using the same high level DMM measure VI.  It makes 3 DC voltage measurements followed by another 3 DC voltage measurements.  Measurements are written to a log file.  The loop cycles at a 2 minute rate.  For the test case, I started at 2 minutes, but increased the rate to 30 sec/cycle.  The test case ran in excess of 120 hours with issue, simulating about 480 hours of operation.  I am trying to locate a VXI-USB interface to more closely match the production configuration. 


I have attached the MAX technical report and a picture of the error dialog.

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Message 7 of 9

Thank you for posting your technical report. Your dump file describing a problem with nipalk points to an issue with one of your drivers.


A good troubleshooting step would be to do a force re-installation of your NI-VISA and NI-VXI drivers. The following link will take you to a KnowledgeBase article that describes the process:

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Message 8 of 9



The recently dated dumps in the technical report are due to the driver stress test mentioned at the top of this thread.  I don't think we have a problem with the driver load.  Do the driver versions in the report all look compatible?



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Message 9 of 9