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online system identification NI-6008

Dear All,


I have problem when handling my system identification toolkit. When I running my system in real time, i get this error;


"The model orders are inconsistent with the dimensions of the model coefficients."


How can i settle this problem. I don't know what is happening actually. I hope some can give some suggestion, why this situation occur. The problem happen when the ouput of ARMAX or ARX system model out connected to SI Conversion. I make the connection cause of to draw the tranfer function.


Thanks All.

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Message 1 of 4

Hi saifizi,

the ARX or ARMAX model needs X values to calculate the model. The number of the samples [X] correlates with the model orders.

You have to handle the error for the first X sampels.


For your ARX example (A order = 1, B order = 2) the model needs 3 sampels to calculate the model.

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Message 2 of 4

hello .. i also use ni usb 6008 for online system identification motor dc , but i confused and i'am newbie using labview
can you help me ? 😞

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Message 3 of 4

I would suggest going through the getting started guide to LabVIEW materials. There should be sufficient material there to get you started on both software and hardware.


For the System Identification Toolkit, I suggest looking though the help file to learn more about how to use the functions.


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