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problems in writing/reading spi eeprom through fpga

Hi all


I am trying to program spi eeprom at25320 connected to rio mezzanine connector of my sbrio-9605 board.

I am using fpga vi from Spi_Dual_Port_Example and following tutorial to implement my code.

But i am unable to r/w properly.I am not able to analyse the bahavior of code.Sometimes it is reading correctly,

sometimes it reads 255,255 sometimes 0,0 and sometimes it reads previously written value again at the same address.But it is able to read and write values to and from eeprom.

I am attaching the code and datasheet of the eeprom.

Please check the code and help me to bring  the code into working state.

If anybody is already having a code please provide me the same.  




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