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programmatically turn off "resize objects"

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I have a program that fits nicely using a few screen resolutions, provided I have the "Scale all objects on front panel" selected. Is there a way to turn this off programatically? I would like the user to be able to make the window smaller if desired, but force the window to scroll if it is sufficiently small.



1) Start program: FP maximized, scale objects to allow for different resolutions

2) User resizes window, turn off "resize objects with window size". Keep current sizes and spacing, force user to scroll.


Thank you!

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Message 1 of 3

You can allow resizing but hide the scrollbars. Then if the user resizes, enable the scrollbars on the front panel.


Edit: Not sure if this will keep the spacing though. You will have to play around with it.

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author emc08

I think you can accomplish your desired behavior with a combination of the Panel Resize event and the Set Scaling method:



Message 3 of 3