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relink missing file in project

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Hi community,


due to reasons out of my control some PDF files in one of my projects have been moved on our company's server structure and are to remain there.

Those files naturally are now marked as missing in my project. I know where they are - I'm just looking for a way to tell LabVIEW.

If I right click them in the project explorer and select "find missing objects" I only get a seemingly useless window listing all missing PDFs with no apparent way to fix the issue.

This should be easy to do, I'm just missing something, right?

My Google search hinted that this may be possible with the Professional package (not sure), but no help for me. 😞


LV 2014 SP1, Full Development System on Win7 64.


Any ideas?


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author Florian.Ludwig

Here's what I would do:

1) Back up my .lvproj file

2) Open with a good text editor

3) Find the old path and do replace all (or individually...if you might have other files that didn't move) with the new path, being careful that the structure/format stays the same (e.g. path separators)

4) Save and open again in LabVIEW


Either that or delete the missing items in the project and then re-add them manually, or fix them individually.

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
Message 2 of 5

Just right click, remove them and add them back in.


Alternatively, you might get a search dialog if you double click the missing file.


Or you might just be able to add the file to the project and it will tell you you have a conflict and ask you to resolve it.


Or you can close the project and manipulate the lvproj file directly to modify the paths. I wouldn't suggest doing that unless you have a lot of them and you want to do it in bulk.

Try to take over the world!
Message 3 of 5

Thanks for the answers.


I had already tried most of this, for completeness:

Adding the files from the new location does not create a confict as there are no vis that call the PDFs.

Double clicking does not yield a search dialogue.


I didn't try:

Remove and add, because I think that would break quite a lot of stuff (mainly links).

Editing the project file - will try that now.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

That did it.

I just didn't know you could edit a project file like that.


Thanks again!

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5