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resizing remote front panel

I have developed VI and publisihing them on internet using remote front it possible to change the width and height of the VIs so that they can fit in to the browser window. i tired width and height attirbute of EMbed tag but it did nt work. i want the the LAbview VI to fit in the browser screen so that user can view the whole VI interface in browser window with out using scroll bar,
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Hi Nadeem,

What you can do is create your HTML page in the usual way by using the web publishing tool, then view the source of the HTML, and modify the line that creates the LabVIEW control. Modify the width and height of this, not the embed src as you have already tried. The line will be something along the lines of...

var obj = '<OBJECT ID="LabVIEWControl" CLASSID="CLSID:A40B0AD4-B50E-4E58-8A1D-8544233807AD" WIDTH=1200 HEIGHT=1000

This will alter the size of the control on the page. If you dont want scroll bars displayed, then change the property of the vi itself (goto 'File>>VI Properties' and change the window appearance) so that it doesn't show the scrollbars.

I've tried this out here and it works fine, so give it a try, if you have any problems then let me know.


NIUK & Ireland

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