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run time engine 2011 error

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Hello everybody!
I have a little question. Ive installed LV RT Engine 2011 on Win XP. I ve bulit an executeable on an other PC with LV 2011. The problem is, that the exe doesnt open on the other machine, where i installed Run Time 2011. Can you help me what is the problem? Its urgent! Thank you very much!
M. Gabor

Gabor M.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 22

What does the error say?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 22

It says i must install the run time engine 2011 to run the application built in labview.

Gabor M.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 22

Did you try installing the runtime engine again?


You said you had installed it, but apparently the PC doesn't think you did.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 22

Yes i tried, but the installer didnt install it, because it says the program is already installed and no files to update or copy.

Gabor M.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 22
Accepted by MGabor

At this point it seems that the instalation file or the instalation itself, are corrupted. Try first to uninstal the run-time engine and then instal it again. Untill the process is done properly you will get errors.


It would be helpfull to see screenshots of the errors. Maybe they would shed more light on the matter.


BR, Peter

Piotr Kruczkowski
Certified TestStand Architect
Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 22

The problem is solved. I dont know how, but i uninstalled runtime and installed it again. I do it more than 3times, and at the last attemp my execution could run.

Thank you for your answers.


Gabor M.
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 22

We are having huge problems with this Labview 2011 runtime on XP machines and now we are having problems with it on Windows 7 32 bit.   We are having issues reading other files such as text or ini files and also getting the run time engine to run right which we get an error code of 8.  We too have seen where we have installed the 2011 runtime and then when we run our software we get a popup asking us to install the 2011 runtime even though we already have it. The last time this happen we went into Add and Remove Programs into NI software then clicked on "repair" to fix the runtime. It works for a while then we run into other issue, like the reading text or ini files bug previously mentions in this paragraph.   We have uninstalled it many times then reinstalled it to get our programs to run...then they stop working. Sometimes I will go into Add and Remove probems to remove it and it does not even show up in the NI software menu, even though it exists. Below is a pic of what should show both runtime 2011 and Visa runtime and the 2011 is missing from the remove list even thjough it exists.  We have also had issue running 3D graphs in XP using this runtime


Upgrading to 2011 was a huge mistake for us and has cost my company thousands of dollars dealing with all the problems and now we are losing business because of it.  We should never had gone with Labview in the first place.  We have reported some of these bugs to NI and because it is a runtime issue, it will not be until next year before it might get fixed.  Downgrading back to 8.5 we cannot do now.    We should have stuck to .NET

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 22

I would recommend not to append to a thread that is already marked as solved, start a new thread instead. I assume you upgraded directly from 8.5 to 2011, so you don't really know if you are dealing with a new LabVIEW 2011 problem. You post is not structured enough to really see what are the XP problems, what are the Windows 7 problems, and what you have tried to troubleshoot. Did all applications work perfectly under LabVIEW 8.5/windows XP? What kind of extra modules and drivers do you need for the application? Did you e.g. Re-install DAQmx after the LabVIEW installation? Did you make changes to the LabVIEW code since?


You seem to have multiple issues:


1: problems reading text and ini files: You get a permission errors (8). most likely this is due to the enhanced windows 7 security policies that don't allow access to system file locations (start reading e.g. here). Does it work if you run the application as administrator (right-click). This is not a LabVIEW problem. I assume you are aware of the path issues with executables, else it would not have worked under 8.5 either.


2. Runtime issues: Do you install the run-time seperately or do you include it with the installer? Make sure you have installed the standard runtime engine (209MB), and not just the minimum (29MB). Also make sure it is the 32 bit version, even on a 64 bit target computer. If you downloaded the run-time long ago, make sure it includes the f2 patch.


3. Rambling about the merits of LabVIEW in general: Apparently you have been in contact with NI. Did they provide a workable workaround or are you really forced to wait for the next version? Which bugs have been reported? Do you have CAR numbers?


In any case, we are here to help. Please post more details about each distinct problem in a new thread. Attach a small VI that exhibits the problem and we see what the problem really is.


I assume you have also explored other potential problems, such as checking the HD for errors and do a comprehensive AV scan.


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 22

1: problems reading text and ini files: You get a permission errors (8). most likely this is due to the enhanced windows 7 security policies that don't allow access to system file locations (start reading e.g. here). Does it work if you run the application as administrator (right-click). This is not a LabVIEW problem. I assume you are aware of the path issues with executables, else it would not have worked under 8.5 either. BB:  Yes we are aware, 8.5 we have 0 bugs and now we have lots of problems running using Lv2011 runtime.


2. Runtime issues: Do you install the run-time seperately or do you include it with the installer? In this case, yes, it was seperate as we never had this problem before.  Make sure you have installed the standard runtime engine (209MB), and not just the minimum (29MB). We have been using the 209 meg one.  Also make sure it is the 32 bit version, even on a 64 bit target computer. We are using the 32bit version as it is a 32 bit computer. What's funny, when using this 32 bit runtime on a 64 bit computer, we have no problems, only on 32bit computers we do using the 32 bit runtime.  If you downloaded the run-time long ago, make sure it includes the f2 patchYes, we are......



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Message 10 of 22