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variable dropdwon menu

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Hi everybody I am hoping for help,

what i basically want to do is the following:

I am controlling Goepel Cascon with my Labview. Depending on the serial number of my tested subject the tests in Cascon vary, so what i basically want to do:

Depending on the serial number I want a dropdown menu that changes its options. The options are not suppost to be programmed hard, but they are supposed du be held in a  text file. But if anyone could help me getting a dropdwon menu that changes options as the serialnumber is different every time would be great.


Thanks for any help



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Accepted by topic author mtproductionsmunich

Hi mt,


using a ring menu (is this your "dropdown menu"?) you can change its items using a "strings[]" property node.

When you use any of the menu functions in LabVIEW you can also change/create the menu at runtime.


All you need to do is provide the strings for either the ring or the menu. As you already have a textfile you just need to load that text file using one of those file functions…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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