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write to array control

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I'm sure that this is a simple thing, but I've been away from LabView for quite a while, and this has me stumped...


I have a front panel with a 2x2 array that accepts user input.  I've also got a sub-VI built that takes that 2x2 array and writes it to an INI file.  I've also written a sub-VI that reads the INI and places the values into a 2x2 array.


Now, my issue is how do I get the 2x2 array that I read back from the INI file back into the 2x2 control the next time the program is run?


Essentially, I'm trying to save the user's input and use it as a starting point the next time the VI operates.


Anyone want to get me started back on the road of LabView programming?

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Steve257
Write to a local variable of the control. You can also wire to a value property node but this is much slower than a local.
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Message 2 of 3

Smiley Happy Perfect!  I knew there had to be a simple way of doing that--my addled brain couldn't come up with it...I've got to get comfortable with LabView again before I try anything too drastic.

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Message 3 of 3