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FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR: Unknown source position, thread id 0x000009C8: A non-debuggable thread caused a 'General Protection' fault at address 0x00A6C83D. No source line information is available.


           FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR: Unknown source position, thread id 0x000009C8: A non-debuggable thread caused a 'General Protection' fault at address 0x00A6C83D. No source line information is available. I get this error in CVI Labwindows 2015 , can any one help me in sorting out.



Message 1 of 10

Thank you, but I did all the things which mentioned in the post but still I am getting the error .Do i need to do any additional settings for CVI 2015 coz the same code runs in CVI 2005 and 2010.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Hi All,


I am also getting the fatal run time error when i hit the Quit button in the application for 'map_demo'.
This is happening when the compiler is executing the closing brace (line 4) of the main function as shown in the below example.

1. void main()
2. {
4. } <===

On line 4, the error is displayed as shown below.

"FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR: Unknown source position, thread id 0x000130E0: A non-debuggable thread caused a 'Unknown' fault at address 0x7744D9C7. No source line information is available."


The version number of cvirte.dll (C:\Windows\System32) is and size is 7.20 MB

Also, Attaching the source code ( for reference.


Did anyone face this issue in Labwindows/CVI 2013 .
If so, please share your ideas so that i can safely exit from the application.




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

Hi danaxe,


The OS version is Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1

Any thoughts on this issue will be really helpful.




0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

I am having the same problem under Windows 10: when using debug64, every program throws this error at exit. Has this problem already been solved?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

I started running into this exact same problem when I upgraded from Windows 7 to WIndows 10. Fatal Run-time error everytime a program terminated. For me it was also happening in x86 debug and release.


What solved it was running a repair install of CVI 2015. I think during the Windows 10 upgrade process something got out of sync and CVI just needed to be reinstalled.

Kevin B.
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Yesterday there was an update on my Win10 development system, and now I have this problem. I did reboot, repair, reboot, but it's still there. Even an empty void main {;} will crash on exit.

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Message 9 of 10