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Hi Sir! I have some questions regarding word report generation please.1.How can i add border to a word page?.2.How can i add grid lines to a table generated in word report?.3.How can i add border to a table of word report?.Thanks Imran Pakistan

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Hi !



Sir I have some questions regarding word report generation using(C language in labwindows) Please.


1.How can i add border to a word page?.

2.How can i add border and grid lines to a table generated in word report(Not the " cvi table control" inserted from gui,i am asking about the table generated in word report)?

3.How can i fill a cell of word report table withe the data type other than "character"?.


And sir one question about use of timer in cvi labwindows please.


Sir i'm trying to set minimum delay interval of timer control to 1millisecond(0.001s),as i set ,timer don't cares of the interval that is set by me it responds only to the default minimum time interval which is i think 10milliseconds(i'am using windows xp service pack3 version 2002).







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Message 1 of 9



concerning the timer resolution:


1) Did you check the setting of the timer option 'useDefaultTimer'? If you set the useDefaultTimer option to True, LabWindows/CVI uses the default Windows timer to implement the LabWindows/CVI timing-related functions, such as Timer and Delay. The default Windows timer provides a resolution of 10 ms. See the help on 'How to Set the Configuration Options'


2) Also note that the time intervals you specify are minimum values. System activity, including processing of user callbacks, can cause timer callbacks to be late or skipped.

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Message 2 of 9

Thanks for reply sir!



Sir i tried to find out the option where i can change timer option other then default but i didn't found it.Please let me know from where i can change it.

And sir what about my other questions related word report?




0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9



Is there a reason that you would like the timer to run at 1 millisecond intervals? This is a high rate and as Windows is not a Real-Time operating system it is unlikely that it will run consistently at this rate because other applications, background tasks, etc. can interrupt the tasks.


Also can you clarify which report mechanism you are using? Are you using the NI Report Generation toolkit or the Word Report toolkit?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Dear sir Milan!


The reason for 1millisecond time interval is that sir i am generating a signal from daq device and connecting it to hardware(Developed by me),in responce of this daq signal my hardware generates a particular signal which is i'm again reading at the daq device,sir in my application it is required to calculate how much time it takes batween generating the signal and again rrecieving at daq input.


Sir my question regarding reports generation belongs to word report generation.(not NI report generation ).



Imran Pakistan

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Message 5 of 9

Hi asdflkj,


What is the hardware that you are using to perform the data acquisition? The majority of data acquisition devices from National Instruments are capable of hardware timed acquisition which enables you to collect samples at high rates using the timing components on the hardware. Trying to perform the acquisition using software controlled loops with the Windows timing functions will result in samples collected slower with a lot of jitter and you may not even be able to obtain the desired sample rate.

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Message 6 of 9

Hello sir!


Sir i'm using daq6251.But Sir before implimenting it to my final application now i'm just trying to achieve 1millisecond time interval for timer in a vary simple programe i mean at this time no hardware (daq device) is  involved i,m just trying to achieve minimum time interval of 1millisecond.

Sir i read form "help" of labwindows how this time interval can be set,i'm trying for,as described in help notes but i could'nt.I'm attaching a screen shot sir for you it may helpful for you to explain me.

And sir also waiting for your kind reply regarding word report generation.




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Message 7 of 9
Accepted by topic author Emran

Did you read this instruction ? It explains how to set the registry value:


If the useDefaultTimer REG_SZ does not already exist, you will need to create it under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\National Instruments\CVI Run-Time Engine\cvirte. This can be done by navigating to the appropriate folder and then selecting Edit»New»String Value. Next, right-click the name of the new value created, select Rename, and then specify useDefaultTimer as the name. Finally, double-click the name and specify the value as either False or True.

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Message 8 of 9

Dear Sir Wolfgang&Milan!



Thank you so much for help .With the help of your previous post i achieved the desired minimum timer interval(1millisecond).But I'm using 4millisecond time interval to manage time in presence of other activities in my application(as you already told me about).





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Message 9 of 9