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How to create ActiveX Rich Textbox in Labwindows/cvi

Every time I try adding an activex richtextbox control to my .uir file I get an error popup stating, "ActiveX control is not licensed for this operation". I can run the richbox sample application but i can't edit the rich textbox control in that project either. I am using Windows 7 and Labwindows. I only have Visual Express 2010, my boss has a full Visual application and the richtextbox works on his computer but it may be using .Net. I have the .ocx and .dll files in my sysWow64 folder and i ran regsvr32 to make sure everything was set up properly. Any suggestions on how to get ActiveX Rich Textbox to work on my computer?



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Message 1 of 9

Hello Ktyson,


I am a bit confused.  Are you working Visual or are you working with CVI? It sounds like you have both on your machine, but cannot get the ActiveX control to work in CVI.  Would you confirm this?  As well, what richbox sample application are you referring to (one in Visual Express? Visual Studio? CVI)?  Are you referring to the richTextbox.cws example in the NI Example Finder under Fundamentals » Strings » richTextbox.cws?  If so, did you ever receive the following error when you opened the project?




I've attached some resources below to assist us.


What ActiveX Features Does LabWindows/CVI Support?


Would you possibly lead us through your process to create the control when you receive the error?


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

I am working with CVI 2009. I have the free Visual C# express software but I am not using that for this project, however I can create a .Net RichTextbox with Visual C# express.


The RichText box sample I am referring to is at and I have never recieved the error that you posted.


In order to get my error to occur. I navigate to the .uir file in labwindows/cvi and I right click on a panel and select ActiveX. I then select Microsoft Rich TextBox Control 6.0 (SPI4). After I click OK I recieve the error station that 'ActiveX control is not licensed for this operation'.


thanks for you time

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

Hello ktyson,


I am fairly certain that you have registered the ActiveX control with the computer successfully, but I wanted to place this reference here just to verify.


How Do I Manually Register Type Libraries, ActiveX Controls, and ActiveX Servers?


As well, there is a tool by Microsoft called OLEView, which will allow you to view everything about all your registered ActiveX controls and other COM objects.  I will continue to look into other trouble shooting steps, but in the mean time, try using that tool to gain some additional insight and let me know what you find, and how it goes!


OLE/COM Object Viewer (oleview.exe) [with tutorial]


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Here is the object view of Microsoft's Rich TextBox that I am trying to use. Is there anything that is wrong?





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Message 5 of 9



Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Hello ktyson,


Would you mind posting a screen shot of the exact error?


If the control works on another machine, you may want to try copying the .ocx file for the control and dependent files over to the machine in question.


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

I have gotten the .ocx file from online and installed that.


I have come to the conclusion that I don't have the .lic files needed to use this control which has something to do with the IClassFactory2 class.


does that sound feasible?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Hello ktyson,


Would you please post the link where you downloaded the .ocx file so I may attempt to duplicate this on our end?


Shawn S. | NIC
Instrument Driver/IVI PSE
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9