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How to install Ni-visa on Ubuntu 12.04


I try to  install Ni-VISA 15 on linux mint 17.3. I follow ahoyarun procedure but I have the following error when I what to launch visaonf: failed to initialize

Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers


and when I run updateNIDrivers:

Configuring NI-KAL for kernel version 3.19.0-68-generic...

Building module nikal...

nikal:   Building modules, stage 2.

nikal:   MODPOST 1 modules

nikal: FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module nikal.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'pgprot_writecombine'

nikal: make[2]: *** [__modpost] Erreur 1

nikal: make[1]: *** [modules] Erreur 2

nikal: make: *** [nikal.ko] Erreur 2

nikal: ERROR:  failed to build nikal

nikal: ERROR:  NI-KAL update failed.

nikal: ERROR:  make of nikal kernel module failed, not installing kernel module.

nikal: ERROR:  updateNIDrivers should be called again after fixing the problem.

nikal: ERROR:  Logging failure...

nikal: ERROR:  Include the file /tmp/niSystemReport.out.gz when contacting

nikal: ERROR:  National Instruments for support.

nikal: ERROR: Update of National Instruments drivers failed.

does someone have an idee to fix it ?

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Message 21 of 27

You need to update to NI-KAL 15.0.1.

You can download it from here:

After you've upgraded NI-KAL, run "updateNIDrivers" and reboot.

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Message 22 of 27

I install the 15.5 version and I follow the instruction  and I can run visaconf.

thank you for your fast response.

I upgrade NI-KAL, after that I can run seccesfully updateNIDrivers. Nevertheless, I still have the following error when I want to launch visaconf failed to initialize

Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers


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Message 23 of 27

When I launch visaconf, I have (again) an error :

modprobe: FATAL: Module NiViPciK not found.

Do I need to install another module ?

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Message 24 of 27

I have the same issue, ubuntu/mint.

Without this kernel module I cannot access my pci-gpib card.

Is there a solution?

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Message 25 of 27

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Message 26 of 27

Configuring NI-KAL for kernel version 3.19.0-68-generic...

Building module nikal...

nikal:   Building modules, stage 2.

nikal:   MODPOST 1 modules

nikal: FATAL: modpost: GPL-incompatible module nikal.ko uses GPL-only symbol 'pgprot_writecombine'

nikal: make[2]: *** [__modpost] Erreur 1

nikal: make[1]: *** [modules] Erreur 2

nikal: make: *** [nikal.ko] Erreur 2

nikal: ERROR:  failed to build nikal

nikal: ERROR:  NI-KAL update failed.

nikal: ERROR:  make of nikal kernel module failed, not installing kernel module.

nikal: ERROR:  updateNIDrivers should be called again after fixing the problem.

nikal: ERROR:  Logging failure...

nikal: ERROR:  Include the file /tmp/niSystemReport.out.gz when contacting

nikal: ERROR:  National Instruments for support.

nikal: ERROR: Update of National Instruments drivers failed.

They're trying to use an GPL-only symbol in their proprietary kernel module, thus violating the license - which in turn would terminate it immediately.

insmod is clever enough of preventing you from loading such modules, so protecting your from doing an license infringement and so loosing the right to use the kernel itself.


IIRC, this particular symbol always has been GPL-only. That raises the question whether they did it intentionally. In many countries, intentional license infringement is an criminal act.  


does someone have an idee to fix it ? 

For yourself:

* Hire some kernel hacker to reverse engineer the whole driver and write a free (gpl'ed) one.


For NI: 

* release the full driver (including the binary-only part, of course) under GPL

* release full specs and sponsor some kernel hacker to write a free driver


Linux Embedded / Kernel Hacker / BSP / Driver development / Systems engineering
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Message 27 of 27