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LV Linux 2013 crashing after DAQmx base 15.0.0 install

Hello.  I'm a longtime LV developer on Windows OS. I recently decided to learn about Linux and developing LV for Linux devices. I successfully reformatted and installed OpenSUSE 13.1 on a spare laptop that I had laying around. I successfully installed LV for Linux 2013 on it. I copied some code from my windows user.lib and pasted it into the Linux user.lib (pretty neat this is possible). I built some test code using the sub vis I copied over, but got an error that I was missing the VISA library. This was a good error to get as I learned that I didn't install any drivers. I downloaded the DAQmx base v15.0.0 iso for Linux and successfully installed it.

Here's where things went wrong for me. After installing the DAQmx base addon, when I drop a VISA function or control in the dev environment, labview immediately crashes.

I'm hoping that there's some setting that's incorrect or a dependency that's missing that's causing this crash. Any help, or suggestion is appreciated. I'd really like to get this working reliably.


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Message 1 of 20

updateNIdrivers as root


>>> LiliMcDonald <> schrieb am 28.12.2015 um 15:52:

LiliMcDonald replied to

the discussion

"LV Linux 2013 crashing after DAQmx base 15.0.0 install"

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Message 2 of 20

Thanks for the suggestion. I tried this last night, but couldn't get it to update. Upon further investigation, it looks like something is up with the kernel. In the DAQmx readme file, it mentions an issue with opensuse and outlines the steps to resolve it.  I tried to update the kernel using the zypper commands, but for some reason the updated kernel never gets implemented. I'll be playing around with this today and will post an update with my findings.

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Message 3 of 20

Hi AMac,

don't misunderstand my sugestion.

'updateNIdriver' is a command provided by NI and you have to type this command literally as root into the shell. after succesfull run you get asked for reboot and you should do it for introducing the updated VISA driver. BTW this should be done every time the kernel get updated otherwise LABVIEW will silently crash.


>>> AMac <> schrieb am 28.12.2015 um 16:30:

AMac created the discussion

"Re: LV Linux 2013 crashing after DAQmx base 15.0.0 install"

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 20

I tried again yesterday to get this working. I installed Opensuse 13.2 on another laptop. using yast, I updated opensuse to the latest kernel release. I installed LV 2013. I tried to install the DAQmx base 15.0.0, but the installation failed. I ran the steps in the readme file about opensuse having issues. After I did this, I was able to successfully install DAQmx. I thought I was in the clear, but LV still crashes when I drop a visa function on the diagram.

I will run the updatenidrivers to see if this helps. I also will post the konsole outputs capturing the errors that were encountered during the DAQmx install as this might help to Identify the issue(s).

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Message 5 of 20

Can you please launch LabVIEW from the command line after running the following commands in the same shell?

%> ulimit -c unlimited

%> labview

[Open a new VI & place down a VISA primitive]

[LabVIEW crashes]

[core file is generated in the current working directory]

Can you send in the generated core dump to help us narrow down this issue? Thanks.

Also, are you using LabVIEW 2013 or 2013 SP1?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 20

Here is the dump from running the updateNIDrivers:

linux-4u0f:/usr/local/bin # updateNIDrivers

nikal: ERROR: Error locating kernel sources for the requested kernel version (3.16.7-29-desktop).

usage: /usr/local/bin/updateNIDrivers [--no-prompt] [kernelVersion]


      Specify the version of a kernel installed on the system.

      A /lib/modules/<kernelVersion> directory should exist for each

      kernel installed. The currently running kernel is the default

      for /usr/local/bin/updateNIDrivers if no argument is provided.

      Run 'uname -r' at the command prompt to find the version of the

      currently running kernel.


      runs in no prompt mode.  Useful if calling this script from

      another script.  Messages are still printed to the screen and

      the return value can be checked for status.


      use fast shortcuts to determine whether modules need to be rebuilt.

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Message 7 of 20

Thanks for the help.  I'm using LV 2013 SP1.  I'll upload the core dump in a min or two.

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Message 8 of 20

Randy.  The core dump file is too large to upload.  The file size is 153MB.  I sent you an email about this as well.  Is there an FTP site that I can upload it to?

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Message 9 of 20


I was able to upload the file to the dropbox link that you provided.  Thanks again!

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Message 10 of 20