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Lack of LabVIEW support for NI's instruments in Linux

Ah, sorry, I forgot about that - I had this problem installing something else and forgot I had done a fix. The installation searches for the string UTS_RELEASE in your version.h file (mine is in /usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-358.e16.i686/include) but for some reason it is missing. There is some stuff in README.txt for how to make a version.h file for SUSE and other linuxes (look for the line starting "During installation on SUSE") but that doesn't work for Red Hat, so I'm afraid I just cheated and added the line to version.h:

#define UTS_RELEASE 2.6.32-358.e16.i686

(or whatever your kernel version is!)

You are probably right that it doesn't make sense to use these old driver versions with LabVIEW 2013, but I thought it was worth a try...

Message 11 of 15


i think it failed on visa instalation. I think, it will be enougth to install only nidmm-2.5.0-f7.i386.rpm without dependence check from NIDMM-2.5.0f7.tar.gz. Other files are present in NIDAQmx 8.0.2. Install it before NI-DMM.

I can't try if it work, because I don't have DMM instrument.

It is not a solution, it is only trick.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 15

you want to install from oldest to newest of drivers.  We were able to install NIDAQmx 8.0.2 on our LabVIEW 2014 system of RedHat 6.X. 

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 15

Thanks, Thomas, I'll give it a try.


0 Kudos
Message 14 of 15

Forget about NI drivers. They're horribly bad. These folks just don't know how to write usable kernel drivers (they even don't know how to properrly do DMA).


It begins with the technically completely ridiculous idea of binary-only kernel modules - this never worked reliably on Linux (the kernel was never made for this). And community support is extremely limited, because they're too vain to give us any usable specs for writing our own drivers - it's like selling a car and keeping it secret how to refuel it - practically unusable.


This problem is now decades old. No improvement whatsoever.

Their marketing lies: there is no Linux support (not even on the cRIO devices running a Linux kernel).



Linux Embedded / Kernel Hacker / BSP / Driver development / Systems engineering
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 15