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NI-KAL for 2.6.31+ Kernels

No, actually I haven't. The reason  is that the installer depends on NIKAL being installed in order to use the C/C++ api. The smallish suite of tools that are supplied in the NI-Daqmx and daq base won't install without finding the nikal library. I forced an install on the nikal by configuring the kernel and changing the configure script but it fails to initialize. I have been tied up on the real job to work with the driver to see if it is using the usb interface at the kernel level, which I suspect it is. If it is just a matter of using the usb user level then it only a matter of determining if it is a character device or a block device and then determining the structures and protocol. I have a fedora 10 system working using the nikali 1.9 so that will be the starting point. I may be able to instrument the existing Nikal 1.9 to dump the transactions. Then it is a matter of writing a user side interface to talk to the usb device directly.

I guess what I am talking about is doing the baby steps. I should have more of an answer after tonight, now that I have a bit of time to look at the NIKAL source and see what it is doing. I might find the bug in it or a work around to allow it to work. If this is the case then it is a matter of submitting a diff/patch file.I am surprised there is no one else taking these approaches. I guess most are comfortable with settling for MS solutions.

The TCO  of the USB-6009 is suddenly becoming much higher.

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Message 31 of 49

If it is just a matter of using the usb user level then it only a matter of determining if it is a character device or a block device and then determining the structures and protocol.

I can tell you for sure that DAQmx Base support of USB devices is in user-mode through ioctl/read/write on usbdevfs.  The difficulty of getting things installed has to do with the package also includes PCI support which requires NI-KAL.  If you can figure out a way to split that out or if the PCI stuff can fail out gracefully somehow to still allow you to use a USB device, then you'd be in business.

NI-KAL does also have some kernel-mode USB API support in it.  But those kernel USB APIs went GPL only earlier in the 2.6 kernel.  So we can't use that anymore since NI-KAL is not a GPL module.  That is the USB API that the 488.2 driver is written on and why that no longer works if you want to use NI USB-GPIB products on Linux.

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Message 32 of 49

mhoogend wrote:

If it is just a matter of using the usb user level then it only a matter of determining if it is a character device or a block device and then determining the structures and protocol.

I can tell you for sure that DAQmx Base support of USB devices is in user-mode through ioctl/read/write on usbdevfs.  The difficulty of getting things installed has to do with the package also includes PCI support which requires NI-KAL.  If you can figure out a way to split that out or if the PCI stuff can fail out gracefully somehow to still allow you to use a USB device, then you'd be in business.

Since NI-DAQmx Base uses NI-VISA for all of the device access, and NI-VISA uses passports for each of the different buses you should be able to simply disable the PCI/PXI passport to remove the NI-KAL dependancy.  The tricky part might be getting everything to install, but once it is installed you can run visaconf to disable the PCI/PXI passport.  Once the PCI/PXI passport is disabled NI-KAL won't be needed at all for USB.



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Message 33 of 49

ShermanO wrote:

I contacted NI about getting the register mapping and such information so I could write an embedded driver for the 6009/6008. I was told that the information was proprietary and could not have it.

How did you contact NI -- did you call your local sales engineer or speak with someone in applications engineering or do something else?


Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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Message 34 of 49


Have you managed to get the USB-6009 working?

I disabled the PXI stuff mentioned in another reply using visaconf but NI-KAL still doesn't load and the USB device still doesn't work.

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Message 35 of 49

I disabled the PXI stuff mentioned in another reply using visaconf but NI-KAL still doesn't load and the USB device still doesn't work.

NI-KAL not loading and USB not working in NI-VISA would be two different things.  For 2.6.31+ kernels you can try the new VISA beta that we have posted. (

That still doesn't address getting VISA USB working without NI-KAL installed which people may want to try in the future, in particular in those times that new kernels come out that break NI-KAL.  Since you disabled the PXI stuff and didn't have USB working, I don't know if NI-KAL not being there was breaking something else in VISA or if there is something else wrong with USB.  Let us know what you find when you install the beta.

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Message 36 of 49

I uninstalled visa 4.5.1 and installed visa 5.0.0.

Running updateNIDrivers now gives this (which looks OK)

Installing NI-KAL:
  NI-KAL successfully updated.
Updating client modules:
  nipalk.ko successfully updated.
  NiViPxiK.ko successfully updated.
  NiViPciK.ko successfully updated.
  niorbk.ko successfully updated.

Are there any more modules?

The usb device still doesn't work. Running lsdaq gives this:

Detecting National Instruments DAQ Devices
Found the following DAQ Devices: failed to initialize
Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers
/usr/local/bin/lsdaq: line 7:  3872 Aborted                 /etc/natinst/nidaqmxbase/bin/daqmxbase_listdevices

Any ideas?

I am very interested in using the USB devices without NI-KAL since I foresee that my upgrading habits will break it often. Does it involve selectively installing packages, changing the source files or something else?

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Message 37 of 49

Did you reboot at all during your uninstall / install / updateNIDrivers sequence?  If old kernel modules still are stuck in memory it could cause this problem.  Did you take a look at what sort of messages you got from dmesg when you are getting the failure from lsdaq?

I've only seen conjecture on installing USB support for DAQmxBase without NI-KAL.  Nobody as far as I know has fully tried to go through it and get it working.  I personally don't have the setup to try it out myself.

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Message 38 of 49

Which Linux distribution are you using? You may need to follow the expanded instructions in the NI-KAL 1.10 readme.

Joe FriedChicken

Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
Get with your fellow OS users
[ Linux ] [ macOS ]
Principal Software Engineer :: Configuration Based Software
Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group (until May 2018)
Software Engineer :: Measurements RLP Group (until Mar 2014)
Applications Engineer :: High Speed Product Group (until Sep 2008)
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Message 39 of 49

Yes, I rebooted almost as much as if it was windows. I don't think there are old modules left over but I can look again.

The reason for the lsdaq problem is that nipal module is not running. When I do "/etc/init.d/nipal start" lsdaq works but then it doesn't find my device (usb6210).

I will investigate the USB/no nikal thing when I have some time.


I run kubuntu 10.04. I had the usb6008 and usb6501 working on kubuntu 9.10 but then didn't use them for a while and now it doesn't work anymore.

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Message 40 of 49