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NIDAQmx Base 3.4 with NI PCI-6230

I noticed in the readme file for the NIDAQmx Base drivers that "*NOTE* NI 623x Isolated M Series are not supported by NI-DAQmx Base."  I was able to install the card but it showed up as a NI 6222 using the lsdaq command.  I decided to try some of the example applications and was able to get the AI examples working but not the AO.  I didn't try any of the Digital examples.

Is there are list of what is supported and what is not or if there is a time line when this card will be supported by NIDAQmx Base?

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The list in the DAQmx Base readme is the list for officially supported and unsupported hardware. The behavior you've observed is caused by a bug that incorrectly attaches to an unsupported device, which explains the hit-and-miss functionality.

I've created a Corrective Action Request for my group to investigate this further, but I can't say at this time what will happen. When the CAR has been closed, it will appear in the readme. Look for the ID number 280244.

Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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