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Problems with Installing LV 2010 On Linux

Is anybody know, something about installing NI-SCOPE, NI-FGEN, NI-DAQ (DAQmx) With LabView 2010 under Linux ?

I installed DAQmx and NI-SCOPE, but LV can`t see them.

My Distrubution is OpenSuSe 11.3

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Message 1 of 16


did the installscript run through without errors? is the hardware correctly recognized?

in that case, did you install LV support?

since the older driver do not recognize newer LV versions, they install their VIs to different vi.lib folders.

if you go to /usr/local/natinst, just search for older LV folders and copy the content of vi.lib to the vi.lib of LV 2010.

then you should be able to use the drivers.

kind regards,


Message 2 of 16

During using LV with VISA (that also installed without any problems, after configuring kernet) I try to use VISA Find Resource VI with only one exit connecter (find list). When I try to start my VI LV brokes. So I have some additional questions:

1. Where can I see some log information about LV exceptions ?

2. Should I install some additional packages to make VISA work ? (I installed only NI-VISA 5.0f1 package from iso image)

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Message 3 of 16

I`d copyed vi.lib entire from LV8.6 to LV2010, but LV 2010 don`t see any changes (Measurments IO Menu is empty).

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Message 4 of 16

if you start LV from a commandline, you should see all output and also error messages, if they occur.

did you copy the VIs to exactly the same folders? in that case you should see the VIs in your palette. actually it works in LV the same way as in windows ...

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Message 5 of 16

If LabVIEW crashes the first time you try to use VISA you probably need to run /usr/bin/updateNIDrivers, and you may also need to restart to make sure that the old drivers can be unloaded so that the new updated drivers can be loaded.

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Message 6 of 16

Thanks, updateNIDrivers completes without any errors, but when I called Find (VISA) LabView crashes with: failed initialize

Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers

I try to find this library to make insmod, but I can`t.

Also there isn`s name of this library during installing NI-KAL (there is only So can I manyally load this library ?

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Message 7 of 16

Hi Robert, after copyint I have /usr/local/natinst/LabView-2010/vi.lib/DAQmx/...

Maybe need some additional steps ?

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Message 8 of 16

I checked There is some existing links in /usr/local/lib to /usr/local/natinst/nipal/lib/

So library exit. UpdateNIDrivers don`t have any error during work.

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Message 9 of 16

We had this problem of LabVIEW crashing when we used the Find  Our problem turned out to be using RedHat 5.5 PAE.  NI-KAL does not like having more than 4GB of RAM.  See the following: .

Message 10 of 16