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Problems with Installing LV 2010 On Linux

its very easy to switch to the non PAE kernel. From the terminal you can run:  sudo yum install kernel, then next time the computer boots up select the non-PAE kernel from Grub.

Something else worth noting is the amount of RAM located on  your video card is also counted when counting your total RAM.  I had a computer with 4 1GB dims and a video card with 256 mb of RAM, after I switched to the non-PAE kernel I was still having problems. I had to remove one of my RAM sticks before I could get everything working.

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Message 11 of 16

I have only 1 GB RAM

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Message 12 of 16

I haven`t non-pae kernel, can you tell me how I can check pae support on me default Suse kernel ?

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Message 13 of 16

LabVIEW should install on OpenSUSE 11.3 without any problems, and it sounds as though it has.

The problem you're having is with driver support, which is expected since OpenSUSE 11.3 is not yet supported by NI-KAL. Downgrade to 11.2 and installation will go much more smoothly. The first driver you should try is NI-VISA 5.0 [1], since the others have not been built with LabVIEW 2010 in mind as they were released with LabVIEW 8.0, but it may be possible to mass compile the VI APIs for LabVIEW 2010. I've had success with using DAQmx 8.0.1 under LabVIEW 8.6.1.

[1] NI-VISA 5.0 for Linux


Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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Principal Software Engineer :: Configuration Based Software
Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group (until May 2018)
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Message 14 of 16

But can you tell me where can I see som traces, that are more informative than: failed initialize

Perhaps you need to run updateNIDrivers

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Message 15 of 16

I have something better than traces: documentation 🙂

NI-VISA 5.0 for Linux README:

NI-VISA 5.0 for Linux software for the Intel x86 architecture requires
one of the following distributions:

    openSUSE 11.2
    openSUSE 11.1
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop + Workstation 5
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 4
    Scientific Linux 5.x


Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
Get with your fellow OS users
[ Linux ] [ macOS ]
Principal Software Engineer :: Configuration Based Software
Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group (until May 2018)
Software Engineer :: Measurements RLP Group (until Mar 2014)
Applications Engineer :: High Speed Product Group (until Sep 2008)
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