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RFC for offline repository creation scripts

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NI is considering providing scripts to automate and simplify creating offline repositories for Linux software. We'd like to receive your feedback on a beta version of a script for RPM-based systems (RHEL 7/8, CentOS 7/8, and openSUSE Leap 15.2) attached to this post. We hope to incorporate this feedback over the next few weeks as we refine it and work on a Debian variant.


We hope these scripts will make it easier for users who are not intimately familiar with the inner workings of the native package managers on these systems to create customized offline repositories to use on disconnected systems and/or isolated networks. Let us know what you think!


EDIT 2022-03-16: Added an .odt version of the file to the archives.

EDIT 2022-03-21: Added Debian script.

Mia Rodriguez, she/her
Software Engineer
NI Package Manager
Message 1 of 5

Hi Mia,

it is a beautiful idea that you have proposed, especially thinking about the sentence you wrote in the document with the instructions:

"My Linux system is not allowed to connect to the internet due to my company's / client's privacy / security policy. Are there any methods to install Linux software offline to my computer?"

I have been using Linux for many years in a calibration lab and LabVIEW with Linux works great.

I am also very pleased with your efforts to facilitate and / or allow the proper installation and operation of LabVIEW with Ubuntu.

Let me just make a small consideration, those who use Linux are used to using LibreOffice (beautiful) and a document in "docx" format is rather strange but, of course, you will have had your reasons for not creating an "odt" file.😁

Thanks again to you and all the engineers who are involved in making LabVIEW work with Linux. We are still waiting for the port of "g-web-development" to Linux and sorry for my bad English.

Alberto Benedetto

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

Hi Alberto, we'll repost and add an additional text format for the instructions. Thanks for the quick feedback.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I have forwarded this information to my Linux System Admins.  Hopefully this will make their jobs easier as we can't have systems online for security reasons.  


I am hoping they provide some feedback either directly here or through me if they don't want to sign up for an account.


I am glad to see NI progressing with Linux distributions.

Ryan Vallieu CLA, CLED
Senior Systems Analyst II
NASA Ames Research Center
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5
Accepted by MiaR

Update: The Knowledge Base article providing instructions for creating offline repositories on Linux systems is now live. You can find the KB article here:

Mia Rodriguez, she/her
Software Engineer
NI Package Manager
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5