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Can't get LabView code out of Vision Assistant 2009

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I am using Labview 2009 in my lenovo X61 laptop with Windows 7 installed (64-bit).


I have played a little with Vision Assistant 2009 and results with my images are pretty good. Now I would like to get same functions to work in LabView. I try to do "tools" - "create labview VI..." in vision assistant. All goes well..., until the point I should see the code. Vision Assistant opens Labview "Getting Started" window, but then nothing happens. I don't see VI in my specified folder and all stops there. Smiley Sad


If anyone of you have an idea how to solve this problem I would be very happy.



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author tommi_be

There is a known issue with code generation in Vision Assistant 2009. Check out this KB:


Also, in the LabVIEW options (Tools>>Options) make sure that you the Active X protocol is enabled and grant access to a VI called "IVA Create LabVIEW" in the Exported VIs list.



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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Christophe for quick reply! I decided to fix the problem by installing Labview 2010, and Vision Assistant works now just as it should.


 So now I can generate LabView code out of Vision Assistant skecth, very nice!

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