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Difference between Concentric Rake / Concentric Edge?

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I would like just ask you (before I'll play myself):

What is difference between IMAQ Concentric Rake 3 vs IMAQ Find Concentric Edge and IMAQ Spoke 3 vs IMAQ Find Circular Edge

(except that new function supported more image types)?


I mean these functions:




They looks similar (and similar by functionality). Are the "new" functions better from the quality point of view?


Thank you in advance,




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5
As I am still stuck with lv 8.0 I can say one thng i find intresting. in this version it is given like circular edge (spoke) and straight edge (rake). Meaning they are same atleast in 8. :smileywink:
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5
Accepted by topic author Andrey_Dmitriev

Here's my understanding, but I could be wrong:


Spoke and Rake both just find edges along the specified paths.  The edges are the final result.


In the two Edge routines (Concentric, Circular), the edges are processed to find either a straight line (Concentric) or a circle.  These results are returned along with the list of edges.  Odds are, if you open them up, you will find the Spoke and Rake functions within them.


All of these functions have been around for quite a while.



Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
Message 3 of 5

Yup, I'm with Bruce on this one.


The difference is in the interpretation of the output.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Thank you, Bruce, Shane, Muks,


Now its clear for me. 

Yesterday evening was too late and I was too lazy to take short look inside of the Find Edge functions (because was sure that nothing except DLL call inside).

Well, the one more difference is that  IMAQ Find Concentric Edge / IMAQ Find Circular Edge can detect edges on U8 image only. Rake 3 and Spoke 3 - on all types (except U16, of course).




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Message 5 of 5