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How to control property nodes for USB camera?

I am having trouble with my USB camera parameters. I have to manually set the focus and brightness of the camera.

Is there any way to access/write the property nodes of the USB camera such as changing focus data by using IMAQ USB vi?




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 14

Hi Hart,

can you give some more information about your camera? What do you currently use to control your camera?



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14


USB camera such as changing focus data by using IMAQ USB vi?



What do you mean by focus here?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14

Dear Muks,

I am able to change camera focus manually by using Logitech software provided with my webcam.

I'am using IMAQ USB property page to display configuration dialog box for the webcam. There are many parameters in the dialog box including focus data. The problem is I only able to view the focus data but I cannot change the focus data in Lbview.


Thank you,


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14

Hi, Hart,


Unfortunately its impossible with IMAQ for USB Camera. I mean that display properties box is all what you can do, but you can't control properties programmatically.

What you can do is following: download and install Vision Acquisition Software 2009, then use IMAQdx. Here you should be able to control all properties for your camera.




Message 5 of 14

Andrey is correct. The new version of IMAQdx has support for DirectShow cameras like the Logitech. On a Logitech we have here you can adjust the focus and zoom as well as pan/tilt (I believe on our model it is simulated by moving a ROI around a larger sensor) right from within IMAQdx just as normal camera attributes. Also, when you put the pan/tilt/zoom into Auto mode it does face tracking. Of course all these features might vary with model and driver versions...


Have fun,


Message 6 of 14

Hi Andrey,

Thanks for the advice. As I know IMAQdx is only for firewire camera. Can we use IMAQdx for USB camera also?




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

Hi BlueCheese,

Where can I get the latest version of IMAQdx?

Can you provide the link?




0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14


From version 2009 IMAQdx is not only for FireWire and GigE, but also for USB (DirectShow)

Message 9 of 14
I was about to say it is not possible at all until I saw andrey's reply. Seems like 2009 version is the most controversial version released with really nice features and some bugs as well............:smileyvery-happy:
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Message 10 of 14