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IMAQ Find Concentric Edge is direction sensitive?

I'm using a series of annular Find Concentric Edge (FCE) tools to detect edges in a circular product (think of holes in a frisbee - the cotrast between hole and surface is about 30 gray levels.) One of the settings on the tool is the search direction - clockwise or counterclockwise. The tool finds different edges depending on which direction I set it to scan.


Obviously, for any given edge the polarity changes with direction (dark to light or light to dark) but the FCE tool doesn't have a polarity setting - does it?


Can anyone explain this behavior - and perhaps offer a way to deal with the inconsistent results I'm getting?


Thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 4

Hi another_novice


can you post some example images of what you are trying to do? The find concentric edge should not be direction sensitive in the way that you mention. By the sounds of things how are you controlling your light?

Joe Daily
National Instruments
Applications Engineer

may the G be with you ....
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Message 2 of 4



Thanks for getting back to me. Client confifdentiality is an issue on this, so can I email you an image?


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hi another_novice,


In that case the best thing for you to do is to go ahead and call customer service and open a service request. The number of customer service is 1-866-275-6964

Joe Daily
National Instruments
Applications Engineer

may the G be with you ....
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Message 4 of 4