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IVB Disable Step Property

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I need a little assistance about IVB Generated vis. According to set step status[Common Parameters - Disable] in VBAI: - Disabled/ Enabled,
in the generated code, the step status always enabled.

How can I set the status - Disabled in the generated code? takig care about all conclusion i.e.: Measurement points won't be available/ or Coordinate System... and so on


+++ In God we believe, in Trance we Trust +++
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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author D60

The disable flag is ignored in the generated code. I have create CAR#238729 to track this problem. We will try to address this in a future release. In the short term, you can go to the Code for any steps that may be disabled and modify them to look like the attached image. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.


I just put a case structure around the Code and ignored it if the disable flag was true.


Sorry for the inconvience.


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Message 2 of 5

Thank you for you fast reply! Tomorrow I am going to try it, and reply!
Thank you again.

+++ In God we believe, in Trance we Trust +++
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Message 3 of 5



I'd like to understand your use case, and why you chose to migrate the inspection to LabVIEW instead of using some of the other methods to customize your Vision Builder application. Are you trying to integrate your Vision inspection in a bigger LabVIEW application?

Did you just want to customize the inspection interface to create your own operator interface?

Are you trying to add functionality to your inspection that is not available with the shipping steps?

Vision Builder AI is a very open environment and offers different means to customize an inspection.

As a rule of thumb, here is a list of possible features you can use for different use cases:


To add functionality to a VBAI inspection not available in shipping steps


- The Run LabVIEW step allow you to call a LabVIEW VI.

- Software Development toolkit allows you to develop your own step.

- Migrate Inspection to LabVIEW and add your own LabVIEW code. Note that this is not an express VI and that you won't be able to go back and forth between VBAI and LabVIEW to modify the inspection.


To customize the inspection interface:


- Tools>>Inspection Interface Configuration and the Update Inspection UI step if you want to stay within the VBAI environment.

- Create your own UI in LabVIEW or another language and use the VBAI ActiveX control allows to open and run an inspection, get results, images from your own application, without showing the VBAI UI.

- Migrate Inspection to LabVIEW and add your own LabVIEW code. Again, once you migrate, you won't be able to modify the inspection anymore with VBAI.


To drive a VBAI inspection from your own bigger scale application that might be doing more than image processing:

- Migrate Inspection to LabVIEW and integrate it with your app.

- Use the VBAI ActiveX control to run the inspection, get results, images from your own application.


For those of you coming to NI-Week who want to learn more about this subject, I encourage you to attend the session "NI Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (AI) 2010 and LabVIEW".

Build vision applications with an easy-to-use menu-driven environment and learn how to integrate them directly with LabVIEW. Learn how the LabVIEW integration methods compare as the product developers reveal new features in Vision Builder AI and show you when to choose each environment.




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Message 4 of 5

Hi Christophe!


My purpose is understanding the generated code for more reasons. First is, VBAI Generated Codes contains Managers i.e. IVB ROI Manager/ IVB CoordSys Manager.... These kind of vis are well designed and understanding them give me a good opportunity to learn how to implement same functionality. Another reason is, I'm willing to use some of generated vis in my application, so it is important to know how they are working. ( i.e  Disable step).

The best would be if there were documents about there vis, but I'm afraid these are not available.

Thank you for your reply too!

+++ In God we believe, in Trance we Trust +++
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Message 5 of 5