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Image flickers with more than 2 cameras

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I have tried to search for a similar issue but didn't find any.

I'm trying to grab & record multiple cameras at the same time.

My code runs fine until I connect more than 2 USB cameras. 


My camera model: Logitech webcam C930e


The VI is attached, could someone try to help me to figure out what can cause that ? 



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Tamir87



I took a look at your VI and I think the source of the problem is that all of the images you allocate with IMAQ Create have the exact same name.


When you try to call IMAQ Create with the same name, we see that we already have an image with that name and just give a reference to that same image. Then you have all four cameras acquiring to that same image instead of each camera having it's own. This makes things flicker as you'll see the image getting updated by each of the four cameras.


If you just rename the string into IMAQ Create to have something unique (like "Grab and Save to AVI Acq 1", 2, 3, 4, etc.), I think your problem will go away.


Hope this helps,


Message 2 of 3

that solve the problem, thank you very much ! 

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