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Need help emergency! In my Vision Application, how to extract the specified curve settings from the geometric template which was generated by NI Template editor??

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I have a machine vision application, in which the geometric pattern match technique was used to find the target in variant images.

as we know ,we have to make a geometric template by the NI Template editor, in the editor we can adjust the parameters of specified curve settings to get the wanted curves, and we can draw the custom area to ignore during the match. then we save the template for latter using in our vision application.


Now my question is coming. when I program my application for the geometric match. I have to specified the Curve Parameters for the input of IMAQ Advanced Setup Learn Pattern 2, obviously, I have to set this parameter same as the one in the template, but I don't know how to extract it from the geometric template. I have tried all methods I can, for example, read custom data, IMAQ Get Geometric Template Features(this is just for the feature based? then is there a same VI for the edge based?) , even to anasys the PNG file formats!!!! But I can not read the geometric template info by myself!


It is too illogical that we have to adjust the CURVE PARAMETERS manually again for the " IMAQ Advanced Setup Learn Pattern 2"after I have already done that in the NI Template editor !!!!

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Accepted by topic author Standy



why do you need to specify the curve parameters again, if you have already built a template using the template editor?You do not need to use "IMAQ Advanced Setup Learn Geometric Pattern 2 VI" to find the matches (see the attached example).


you can wire the control to the "curve parameters" to the "IMAQ Setup Match Geometric Pattern 2 VI", but the values are not used if you wire a true boolean to the "use learn curve parameters" node (it is like this by default). To prove this, i have attached a small program, with pre-created template (using the template editor) for geometric matching. The template and three test images are also included.


Try changing the curve parameters with the "use learn curve parameters" enabled, and you will see that the matching score remains the same. Then disable the boolean control and try changing the curve parameters.

Also take a look at the detailed help for "IMAQ Setup Match Geometric Pattern 2 VI", specifically the "Use Learn Curve Parameters".


I hope this helps.


Best regards,


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Message 2 of 3

Hi K,


It is so nice and timely reply for me! this will be help....


Million thanks!

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