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Regarding Feature extraction and classification in labview

Hello ,


I m trying to implement voila jones face detection algorithm in labview (for ni 1762).I am very new to labview. can anyone please help me with how to do feature extraction and classification in this context in labview ? sample vi would be much appreciated .



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Vision Development Module features a binary particle classifier and color classifier. In addition, it includes a more generic "custom" classifier that you can use to solve this application.

You need to use the custom classifier feature of Vision Development Module accessible through the Machine Vision>>Classification palette.

The custom classifier train sample based on a feature vector (1D array of doubles) that you have to provide. You will have to compute feature vectors for the different faces based on data that you extract from the image using other image processing algorithms provided in Vision Development Module.

Once you have this, you can create a custom classfier using IMAQ Create Custom Classifier, then add custom samples using IMAQ Add Custom Samples, train the classfier using one of the engine (look at the Classifier Engines palette).

Once the classifier is trained, use IMAQ Classify Custom to classify an unknown sample.



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