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Save Data to File and Time Stamp String

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My vi uses producer/consumer architecture, and when I changed it from a regular one while loop to two loops it stops writing the data to file at the end of the execution. It only creates the two files (one for the data and one for timestamp). Could it be because that the stop control on the consumer loop (where I save the data) is a local variable (the control itself is on the the producer while loop)?


Thank you,

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Message 1 of 4

I am not able to understand the vi properly but the case structures need a while loop doesnt it? for it to be able to dynamically switch?

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Message 2 of 4

I can upload the vi if that would help, it's just too large to take a screen shot of. You are correct, it doesn't save it dynamically which is fine with the specifications. As it is now, when the while loop stop all the data goes to build array (of four columns) and then to spreadsheet. In the older configuration it worked fine, but with the producer/consumer it doesn't, could it be because of the queue statement inside the consumer while loop?



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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author simply_me

I apologize, it was my mistake. I didn't connect the wires in the case structure in case of False.

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Message 4 of 4