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Vision Builder 2.6 has errors when migrating to LabVIEW

Ok, I have the following:
Vision Builder 2.6.1
Vision Development Module 7.1.1
LabVIEW 7.1
PCI-1405 framegrabber - or PCI-1409 framegrabber
I am having problems migrating my inspection from Vision Builder 2.6 to LabVIEW 7.1.  It migrates the inspection, but the VI has errors.  I track the error down to a property node... the property displayed says: "Number of Ports".  If I look at the properties, there is no property that allows you to select Number of Ports.  Instead, I chose "Number of Channels", and the fixes the broken arrow.  (See attached picture of the error) 
However, now the VI will not function like it did in Vision Builder.  I then run the VI, and I receive an error that tells me that I "Code: 9999, Can not allocate Resource".
I have tried this on multiple computers, using different framegrabbers, and I always recieve the same result.  I have a PCI-1405, 1409, and 1410... all of them do the same thing.  Can somebody please tell me what is wrong with Vision Builder???  Vision Assistant 7.1 will create the LabVIEW code with no problems.

Message Edited by brents1 on 12-21-2005 11:26 AM

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Message 1 of 11
i tried to reproduce the behavior, but i didn't get the error!

Is it possible to reproduce the error with other VB AI projects?
Which camerafile did you use?
In which order did you install the NI components?

Please, attach the systeminformation sheet, which you can produce within MAX - Help - Systeminformation - Protocol - Simple Report.

In addition, it could be helpful if you attach your VB AI project...

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Message 2 of 11
I have attached a simple report of my System Information.
Every time that I use an image acquisition and migrate my project to LabVIEW, I receive this error.  However, I simulate the acquisition , there are no errors, and everything seems to work fine.
The camera file that I am using if img0 .... is that what you are asking?
Here is the order in which I installed the NI components:
1. LabVIEW 7.1
2. Vision 7.0
3. Vision Builder 2.6
4. Vision 7.1
Could the order have something to do with my errors?  Should I uninstall Vision 7.0?
I have also attached a simple VB AI project.
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Message 3 of 11
I meant with camera file not the "alias name" of the cam, but rather the standard - CCIR, RS170, progessive scan, aso.
I wouldn't say that the Vision 7.0 are the problem, rather the IMAQ driver.
You have installed 3.1.0.
I think you should first of all try to reinstall the NI IMAQ driver. During the installation you have the option between standard and custom installation - take custom installation and check the settings carefully...

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Message 4 of 11
Ah, I see what you mean.  It is an RS170.  Would you like to see the settings of the camera?
I will reinstall the driver and see what happens.  I'll let you know.  thanks for you help!
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Message 5 of 11

No, it doesn't matter yet! Try to reinstall the driver and let me know the result, please!

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Message 6 of 11

That worked!  (somewhat)  I downloaded the latest driver (IMAQ 3.1.3), and restarted my computer.  After I migrated the inspection, the VI still had the same error that it orgionally did.  So I changed the property from "Number of Ports" to "Number of Channels", and it fixed the broken arrow.  But at least this time it acquired the image and ran the VI correctly.

I can live with fixing the error each time, but do you happen to know the reason that it does it?  If not, no big deal... I'm just happy that the thing works now.  Thanks again for all of your help!

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Message 7 of 11
Great to read!
I would say, if you have enough time during the cristmas holidays, uninstall all NI products and install it in the following order:
LV 7.1
Vision 7.1
VB AI 7.1
and at the end the drivers.
Another way is to uninstall all Vision SW - Vision Development, VB AI, IMAQ and to reinstall it in the following order:
IMAQ Driver
Hope this helps...
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Message 8 of 11

Ok, now I have another problem.  I performed the same steps on a different computer, except this machine uses a PCI-1409, and acquires 4 channels.  Once again, I have the same problem - it will not acquire an image.  Instead it gives me an error that said the it can not allocate the resource.  Now what do I do?

Vision Builder 2.6.1
LabVIEW 7.1.1
IMAQ Vision 7.1.1
IMAQ 3.1.1

Please help!

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Message 9 of 11

Which error message did you see?

Have you tried to install 3.1.3?

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Message 10 of 11