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camera triggered snap

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Dear sir,

I have  Made a small medical application  to acquire an image after an extarnal trigger (from light source with pulse generator) and after a short delay (value from controler) using labview 2013.

I'm using Point grey camera grasshopper3 gs3-u3-51s5m.


The way it should work: Allow the user to change the delay time on the fly.

The user will push the send button for 2 seconds, then the "sent" indicator will change to true and the camera will take a picture after a short delay and will automatically save the picture the a folder named "Images" and then change the "sent" indicator back to false.


The way it works now: Can change the delay time only when the VI isnt running.

After the user push the send button for 2 seconds the "Sent" indicator will change to true but nothing else happens.


I have added my VI. 


Hope you can help me out.


P.S I'm kinda new to Labview and i might be missing some of the basics.


Thanks alot!


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

it is better to change your algorithm in way that i send you in example vi then it will be work easily 

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

@Hatef.fouladi wrote:

it is better to change your algorithm in way that i send you in example vi then it will be work easily 

Hey Hatef.fouladi,

The Vi you sent is on labview 2014 and I'm using Labview 2013 and can't open it.

Can you please convert it?


Thanks for your help 🙂



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12


fell free if need any more information 

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12

@Hatef.fouladi wrote:


fell free if need any more information 

Hello Hate.fouladi,


I have modified my vi with your changes.


From some reason after the first time i push and hold it works just fine but it does not change the "image was taken" indicator to false again.

the second time it just  instantly take a picture without waiting.


And another question, should i put the and the IMAQdx property node and the trigger delay controller inside the while loop? in order to be able to change the values when the vi is running?


Thanks Again,


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

sorry for late answer I modify your las vi I think now it is what you want 
test that and tell me if it is what you want 
also the question that you ask me about the trigger i should say yes you can do it 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

@Hatef.fouladi wrote:

sorry for late answer I modify your las vi I think now it is what you want 
test that and tell me if it is what you want 
also the question that you ask me about the trigger i should say yes you can do it 

Hello Hatef.fouladi,

Sorry for the late replay.


The vi you uploaded is in Labview 2014 and not 2013, so I can't open it.


Thanks again,



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

@Hatef.fouladi wrote:

here you are

Hello Hatef.fouladi,


After alot of testing i have made and some changes, I'm getting "not an image" error


How can i fix that?




0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12
Accepted by topic author Chen12
I check your vi with my camera it was ok I just disabled the part of your code relate to trigger because my camera do not have trigger did you test your simple code with your camera?!
maybe there is problem with your camera
Message 10 of 12