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How to plot several sets of Y data simultaneously on a common X axis

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Am using NI Measurement Studio 2013 with VS2010 (or newer)


For years I have been using the NI graph control so as to create a "strip chart" style graph:


Dim NAdata(35, 0) As Double

' each element in NAdata(35,0) represents a separate "trace"
' fill in the values for each "trace" here...

(3,0) = 34.123 ' example one trace point

' update all traces on the strip chart by one X increment


It works great. And I was only updating the strip chart maybe twice a second so there was no speed issue.


Now, instead of a strip chart updating slowly, I want to plot multiple trace waveforms in quasi-real-time. In the Measurement Studio "Samples" they show several examples of how to display a single trace using PlotWaveform and PlotWaveformAppend. However I can find no examples of how to accomplish this for multiple traces(all sharing the same X axis).

Can anyone point me to an example of how to plot several sets of Y data simultaneously on a common X axis?


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Accepted by topic author bartinoregon



I was able to locate a relevant demo in a somewhat unsuspecting path:


C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\MStudioVS2010\DotNET\Examples\Application\UISnippets\vb


This shows me what I need to know.



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