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TDMS Version

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I use the function to import TDMS with Measurement Studio 8.6. Now I got from a customer a TDMS file. But I got an error when I want to load it. After checking I found out that is was generated with Diadem 11.1. Of course the old Diadem version and other plugin could not read the files. In Diadem I could not save it to the old format.


Is there no license checking when I'm using TDMS. When can I import the new format with Measurement Studio ?


Best regards

Andreas Lindenthal

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

Andreas -


We are working on this for the next version of Measurement Studio. 

To get early access, you could visit\beta and sign up for the Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 2008 Beta.


Are you using Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008?


David Rohacek

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8



I use Visual Studio 2008 but with Framework 2.0. There I have another problem, that with the latest version the framework is now checked. I still use Framework 2.0, because it only still supports Windows 2000. 


Is it not possible to use Measurement Studio 2008 and Framework 2.0 ? If not it is possible that you will support it by the next version. Other component company support for Visual Studio 2008 both Frameworks 2.0 and 3.5.


Best regards


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8
Hi Andreas,

there is a DataPlugin for DIAdem 11.1 to save TDMS v1 files:

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

Andreas -


Regarding MStudio Support for .NET Framework 2.0 in VS2008

I believe that we do support your scenario, just maybe not in the way that you are expecting.


The Measurement Studio CD actually includes 3 independent Measurement Studio "products, with dependencies on different versions of the .NET Framework.


These products are "Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 2003", " "Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 2005", and "Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 2008".


The assemblies that are included with MStudio for VS2003 depend on .NET Framework 1.1.

The assemblies that are included with MStudio for VS2005 depend on .NET Framework 2.0.

The assemblies that are included with MStudio for VS2008 depend on .NET Framework 3.5. 


There are technical reasons why the assemblies depend on particular versions of the .NET Framwork. We are currently actively making enhancements to both MStudio for VS2005 and MStudio for VS2008.


If you want to build an application in Visual Studio 2008 that depends on .NET Framework 2.0, you need to install Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 2005 and configure your project to  reference the assemblies in the C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2005\DotNET\Assemblies\Current directory.


Measurement Studio Visual Studio 2008 integration support does not provide a way to add references to assemblies from Measurement Studio for Visual Studio 2005 directories; this is why you have to do this manually. 


While this model might not be ideal for you, it should suit your needs. Please let me know if it does not. We use this model for historical, technical, and efficiency reasons. If you are interested in details, I'd be happy to provide them.



Regarding TDMS 2.0 File Format in .NET Framework 2.0 Applications

The next version of MStudio will support the TDMS 2.0 format in both the MStudio for VS2005 and MStudio for VS208 assemblies. So, you will be able to do what you need to do.


We are not currently planning to include the VS2005 support in the Beta program. However, if you would be interested and able to try it out, we can reconsider that decision or we could arrange to get you Beta versions only of the TDMS assemblies. Please let me know if you would like to do this and if so, please provide me permission to get your email address from your forum ID so that we can contact you offline (or provide an alternate way to contact you).


David Rohacek

National Instruments




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

 Hello David,


first thank you for your quick help.


I understand now which DLLs I should use. But I have a problem to generate the project license information inside VS2008. What should I do toget the license information for VS2008 ?


Best regards


Andreas Lindenthal

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8
Accepted by ALindenthal

Andreas -


There are two major approaches:


  1. Use the MStudio project wizard to create a project in VS2005 and copy the .licx file (or the relevant contents) into your VS2008 project.
  2. Manually create the .licx file entry for TDMS
    1. Follow the instructions in the MStudio help topic Licensing Measurement Studio .NET Class Libraries without Integrated Tools (NI Measurement Studio Help>>NI Measurement Studio .NET Class Library>>Using the Measurement Studio .NET Class Libraries>>Licensing .NET Class Libraries>>Licensing .NET Class Libraries without Integrated Tools) to create an .licx file for your project.
    2. This help topic is missing the .licx entry for TDMS (I'll file a bug report to correct that in a future version of MStudio). The information you need is: NationalInstruments.Tdms.TdmsLicenser, NationalInstruments.Tdms, Version=A.B.C.D, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=4544464cdeaab541
    3. You will need to substitute A.B.C.D, above with the specific version of the assembly you are using.
      1. To determine the specific version of the assembly you are using, navigate to the DotNET\Assemblies\Current directory under the MStudio for VS2005 install directory (typically, C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MeasurementStudioVS2005\DotNET\Assemblies\Current)
      2. Look at the File Properties of NationalInstruments.Tdms.dll and find the File Version property. This is the version you need.

It sure seems like we should make this easier. I'll file a bug report to figure out if we can just generate and install an .licx file that includes the correct information. We could then refer to that .licx file from the help topic.


David Rohacek

National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Does this work for VS2010 on a 64 bit machine? I am running on version of the driver and the .licx file will not even let me build my solution. Thanks,

- Joe

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Message 8 of 8