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ANSI C example : "DAQmx Error: No device by the given name was found."

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Hi everybody,


I'm trying to build and run a DAQmx ANSI C example, which is "/Analog Out/Generate Voltage/Cont Gen Volt Wfm-Ext Clk" (Windows 7 Pro, NI-DAQmx 17.1.0, NI-MAX 17.0.0).


I modify it to correspond to my PXIe-6361 virtual card and to build and run it without Visual Studio but just with gcc on Cygwin.

Here is attached the modified code and a screenshot of my virtual card configurations on MAX.


It builds but when I run it, it says : "No device by the given name was found" without any error code.

Nano@Nano-PC ..Gen Volt Wfm-Ext Clk-old $make && ./ContGen-ExtClk.exe
gcc.exe -g   -c -o ContGen-ExtClk.o ContGen-ExtClk.c
gcc.exe -g -o ContGen-ExtClk ContGen-ExtClk.o -lnidaqmx
DAQmx Error: No device by the given name was found.
No device by the given name was found.
End of program, press Enter key to quit

I think the problem occurred during this function "DAQmxWriteAnalogF64"; because my TEST2 is not printed.


I don't know what's the problem and I didn't find any solution on the internet for this error message.

Do you have any idea?


Thanks and have a nice day.

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Accepted by topic author morgane

Hello Morgane,


I believe you have forgotten to change the interface name at some places :





Message 2 of 3

Thank you, it was the problem. I didn't notice it. I change it to "/PXI1Slot4/PFI0" and now it build and run.


Do you have any idea how can I check if the voltage generation is actually working on a virtual card when I run the example program?


Thanks again!


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