Motion Control and Motor Drives

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How to configure EPOS2 24/5?


  • Is the EPOS powered ? Yes EPOS is powered 
  • Have you tried to select another USB port ? Yes but it doesen't works
  • Have you installed maxon's EPOS USB Driver Installation ? Yes i've installed this
  • Does the EPOS2 appear in the Windows device manager ? Yes, it's called EPOS2 24/5
  • Are you able to communicate with it by the use of maxon's EPOS Studio ? Before the installation with VISA i could open EPOS Studio and make a motor Test. But after the driver installatin with VISA, Epos studio can't find the driver.
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Message 11 of 18

Unless I'm wrong (at least I don't remember to have done this step), maxon's LabVIEW library doesn't need VISA.


While you were able to control the driver with EPOS Studio, did you try to open the communication in LabVIEW with the settings you have listed in a previous post ?


Do you have the possibility to contact maxon ?

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18

Problem solved, I've reinstalled the driver at the port that I connected for the first time, and it works

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 18

Nice to hear !

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 18


What was your setup? we are using 2 EPOS 2 24/5 and maxon motors. We are looking at a CANopen system, but is it necessary? We have all the software and EPOS/maxon drivers  available, just want to get the motors to do something... 



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Message 15 of 18

Epos2 can be configured in Canopen connection, RS232 (serial) and USB. But if there are multiple EPOS2 to be connected they all can be connected in CAN bus with one of them acting as CAN gateway. Refer, Communication guide.. RS232/USB CAN gateway. If you can configure using USB instead of serial then I would suggest it to be followed as the baud rate of serial communication becomes a bottleneck.

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Message 16 of 18


 I am trying to connect multiple epos2 24/2 with each other and also with epos2 p 24/5 by using CAN cables. I have connected epos2 p to the system via USB and the other epos2 24/2 through CAN. the example program for both epos2 p and epos2 has worked individually for me but when i try to code for the hardware mentioned above, i am getting an error either as invalid port name or error opening port. my NI code is basic with individual part of initialisation, enable axis,driving for epos2 p and epos2 24/2. I dont know what to put as the protocol stack name, interface name and port name for the epos2 24/2 connected via CAN cables with each other and to the epos2 p too. I tried giving them as CANopen : protocol stack name, CAN-S : interface name since they are connected with each other through CAN, but I am confused on what to give for port name. If anyone can help me, please do. Any sample codes will also be helpful.

thank you in advance,


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Message 17 of 18

I have the error, 0x2000 0004 with Maxon Motor, anyone know how can resolve it?

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Message 18 of 18