Motion Control and Motor Drives

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MAX kills axis



I'm working on a school project for my thesis.
This project has stood still for over 6 years and is now continued by me.

 - UMI
 - PCI-7344
 - Three Drives: TLD134F
 - Three servo engines: SER....3S
 - Firmware of the PCI-7344 is updated

It's goal is to read the depth of cordinates in a XY-plain with a laser.
So there are three portal robots (Berger Lahr). Two portal robots move in the X-axis
One portal robot moves in Y-axis and has the laser attached to it.

Here comes the issue:
All portal robots work perfectly with Drive 1(connected to Axis 1) in the twin line control tool and in MAX (automated movement).
Once I try to make a portal robot work with Drive 2(connected to Axis 2) in MAX it kills the axis. In the twin line control tool I can manual move the portal robot. When I try to connect Drive 1, that works perfectly, with Axis 2 it reacts the same as Drive 2 connected with Axis 2. When the Axis 1 is connected with Drive 2 it works perfectly.

So my conclusion is that it has to do with the Axis 2. Everything is connected the same as Axis 1 and in MAX are all settings & parameters the same of Axis 1.

I've been searching for a while now and I really don't know what's wrong.

Can anybody help me?



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Allright after some research:

Apperently the power for one axis necessary, on the UMI, is 5v max?
But the power supply in the electric cabinet(that berger lahr has delivered) is 24V for one axis

Should I add a resistance?

Situation in the electric cabinet:

A converted DC signal of 24V is connected to each drive.
From each drive to each respective axis.
But i don't know how much that voltage is?

Only one, the one that worked 6 years ago, is certainly not 24V (i've checked that with an universal meter and it was constantly 0.45V)
The other one just kept rising from 1 to 6V, I didn't check if it went further than that.

I've added a "scheme" to explain what I mean in my post

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