Motion Control and Motor Drives

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Sepper motor control WITHOUT motion controller



I am attempting to control two stepper motors in a blened motion move. I can currently drive one of the motors seperately and also change direction and speed.

I know there are motion controllers that can be used but they are unavailable to me as I am in college. (PLEASE NO ONE SUGGEST MOTION CONTROLLERS)

I know it maybe difficult but that is the way I have to do it. My plan is to use the motors in conjuction with a camera which acquires an image and I want the motors to follow the outline of what ever is in the image. The project is very similar to a X-Y Plotter except I will not be plotting anything, I just want the motors to move.



Thank you



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Message 1 of 5

You need to provide more information.  What hardware do you have?  Are you trying to truly coordinate the moves(linear or circular interpolation) or just want to move the motors at the same time?

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Message 2 of 5



I am using Labview 2010 with two RS stepper motors and I want to move them at the same time. There will be no circular motions just straight lines. The cooridinates that are to be supplied to the motors are acquired from an image processing VI. I am taking an image of a line which always leads to the centre of the screen. My plan is to have the motors follow that line.

I have included a VI that I am working on, it includes the image capture part of the program and then the co-ordinates for the motors to follow. These co-ordinates are designed to be used with a motion controller. I do not know how to use these co-ordinates to drive the motors without a controller.



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Message 3 of 5

Labview cannot move stepper motors.  You will need some sort of hardware interface on the PC, and drives for the motors.

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Message 4 of 5

Thank you .

I am using drive cards. the issue is not being able to move the motors but to move them simultaneously. I connect my drive cards to a NI USB 6008 DAQ.

Sorry I have should have mentioned that I am using a DAQ.

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Message 5 of 5