Motion Control and Motor Drives

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labview examples for Newport rotation stage Model URS50BBC

Hi there,


I am currently wanting to control the motion of the motorised mount using Labview, but I dont have examples, Can you ,possibly, help me please?


The mount Model is: Newport rotation stage Model URS50BBC.


Thank you ,





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 10

I downloeded the driver and examples for it from this websit:


But they didnt work, there are some question marks appeared in the block diagram!


Can anyone know about that?


Any advise is appreciated 

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Message 2 of 10

Hi Misk,


The question marks which appear on the block diagram indicate that you don't have the relative functions in your LabVIEW package. Depending upon the functions, the relevant toolkits can be downloaded and installed. 

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Message 3 of 10

Hi CasiL,


Thank you for this.


I doenloaded them, and it is Ok now, however , the example need COM adress ,when I put 1 , it says : failed in connection and somthing about VISA identification..


I dont know how can I found VISA or code library,I will attach the error box.


Thank you very much,



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10
You need to install NI-VISA as a search for that error would have shown you. The latest -
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Hi there,


Thank you Dennis Knutson for that , I downloaded tha VISA from the website, however it still doesnt work ..


When I run the virtual control pannel vi , it doesnt connect and apears: NOT referenced from reset as see in the attached picture.


Can anyonr helps me please?





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Message 6 of 10
Have you asked Newport? It's their code and hardware. I have neither do I can't reproduce the problem. From that image, I can't even tell where the error is being generated.
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Message 7 of 10

Yes, I asked them ..they said that I have to home the stage before the cotroller , as I am new to labview , I dont know how to home the stage..


Can you see the attached  picture , the problem in this sub vi , I think..


Any advice is appreciated ,


Many thanks

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Sorry , her the picture..



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Hi there , 


I solved it , it somthing related to NI MAX .


However , can someone advise me how to control this Newport motor stage with COHERENT power meter , I can control them by labview but seperately , but how can I run them in the sametime by labview?


Any advice and suggession are appreciated ,


Many thanks,



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Message 10 of 10