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How to create an array of elements obtained from for loop .

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I have to obtain an array of elements obtained from the for loop so that i can use that array further in my program;while using arrayVI from array and cluster function pallete it gives only the last value generated fromthe loop .I want all the values generated from each iteration to be stored in the array.Please suggest some options

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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by topic author J.H.Agrawal
When a wire exits a for loop, by default it is auto indexed into an array. Right click on the tunnel and change it back to that.
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Message 2 of 6

If auto indexing is disabled it will by default return only the last value .I want all the values generated at each iteration so that i can use that array further.Thankz for reply

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Message 3 of 6

I tried with that it works when shift reg are not used. But since i m  using a shift register  in the loop it does not give me the values .Please suggest the solution when shift reg are used

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Message 4 of 6



Here is an example using the build array function with concatenating inputs.

Is this what you are looking for?


Best regards


/* A smart device is only as smart (stupid) as its programmer. */
Message 5 of 6

Thank you so very much now my problem is solved.Thankz

Message 6 of 6