Multifunction DAQ

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I want to amplify the voltage in Labview

I want to amplify the voltage in Labview, how to do? Must i use function in Labview? My output generator is a signal which has basic frequency 159 Hz and noise. I use the filter in Labview software to filt this basic frequency but the filted frequency is always 176 Hz. I don’t know why? If for asynchronous thing between the counter computer and generator or not? Can you answer my question, please? Thank you very much.

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Message 1 of 4

You question is not completely clear. You might try posting your question in your native language or an other language in which you are more fluent than English.


Let me attempt to address your questions as I understand them:

1. Amplification of voltages in electromnic circuits is equivalent to multiplying the measured voltage in LabVIEW (LV) by the gain factor.  Multiply is found on the Numeric palette.

2. All processing of measured signals in LV is performed on sampled data.  Depending on the sampling rate and whether the sampling is synchronized with the the signal frequency, you may have errors due to limited resolution in the frequency domain.

3.  It is very difficult to troubleshoot a program based on a few words of description.  Please post your VI.  Include some sample data saved as default (because we do not have your hardware or signal source.

4. Your question might be better suited to the LabVIEW board rather than this one, unless it is specific to the data acquisition part of the process.



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Message 2 of 4



I am trying to measure a pressure transducer using PCI 6013. Unfortunately, the voltage signal range of the transducer is very low. I am not an electronics or LABView enthusiast. I am pretty new to all this and would like to get some advice on how I need to go about reading the signals and I need to correspondingly get the pressure readings.


I know this is too much to ask, but can anyone give me some example VI, links for technical support, etc., 


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Message 3 of 4



It is better to start a new thread than to append your question to an old thread which is only somewhat related to your question.


In your new thread include the manufacturer and model of the pressure transducer and post the datasheet or a link to it. We will need detailed information about the transducer and your application before we can give you good advice. How fast do you need to read the pressure? What will you be doing with the data when you get it? Simple display, save to file, feedback for pressure regulation,...?



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Message 4 of 4