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M&AE doesn't see DAQ card in Windows 7

I began to work in Windows 7. I installed LabVIEW 2010, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with Measureament Studio 2010, and, of course, NIDAQ (version NIDAQ923f1).

I don't see NI USB-6008 in M&AE. Actually, I don't see DAQ card subfolder.

I attached screens.

I have reinstalled M&AE but it didn't help.

What is problem?

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Message 1 of 11

I installed latest verstion NI DAQ 9.3 and still don't see  NI USB-6008 in M&AE.

Any help?

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Message 2 of 11

Open up the Device Manager (Control Panel >> Device Manager).  Does your device show up there?  If so, right click it and select "Update driver software" and then reboot.  See if it then shows up in MAX.

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Message 3 of 11

      Until I got Code's message I tried DAQ 9.2.2 because my colleague uses it and it found USB 6008. It didn't help. I installed v 8.9 - it didn't help also. After that I got Code's message.


      I installed v 9.3 again. Started M&AE and got additional dialog that "Ethernet Device Enumerator installed" but it is searching network devices. It took a while and didn't finish.

      I launched M&AE and found inactive USB 6008 (it was first time when I noticed USB 6008 in M&AE.) I connected USB 6008 but M&AE didn't make USB 6008 as active. I deleted inactive USB 6008 and searched devices but M&AE didn't find card again.

      I tried to update driver (Code suggested in e-mail) and reboot Windows. It didn't help. Also I got MAX Timeout Error dialog

which attached to this e-mail. I remembered that I got this error message at first time also.

I reset MAX database. It didn't help.





After few chaotically rebooting I got USB 6008 in M&AE ... it costs me 3-4 days ... hopefully, I can continue to write program ...

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Message 4 of 11

I got again this problem. After investigation I should tell that I think this a bug in NI DAQ.


So ... simple line

        TaskStartMeasurement = new Task();

destroys DAQ database.




If there is not any DAQ device program hangs in this line forever and Task() constructor destroys DAQ database.
As minimum, I didn't have this behavior in DAQ 8.9.


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Message 5 of 11

What do you mean by it "destroying the database?"  Does it cause a database corruption, or make your device not show up anymore?  Additionally, you could try repairing your "NI PXI Platform Services" since that seemed to be the root of your initial hang.

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Message 6 of 11

It is mean that I can do anything after that. Maybe database corruption is better definition. I want just point to

- in my ase case PC doen't have another card and it is really "destroying".

- according way to fix the problem (temporary) it can destroy existing information in NI DAQ db

I also don't think that I am reasonable expert to discuss this definition because I don't know how NI DAQ db works really.


Last time I found and used "MAX Corruption Removal.exe" in "Max Database Corruption_LV2010 Executable" zip file. Why does it have "LV2010" in the name I really couldn't image.

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Message 7 of 11

You can follow the steps outlined in this KnowledgeBase article to remove any MAX database corruption:


How Do I Clean Corrupted MAX Database and Start With a New One?


This should fix any problems you have with a corrupted MAX database.

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Message 8 of 11

this is easier way.


Kyle! question is why database is corrupted?

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Message 9 of 11

Many things can cause the database to become corrupted, but it should definitely not be happening as often as you say.  I think you should try repairing/reinstalling DAQmx if it corrupts the database every time you want to create a new ask.  That should hopefully get rid of this issue.

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Message 10 of 11