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NI 4472 coupling on Labview

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Hi everybody,

I have a PCI 4472 acquisition board, Labview 2010 and DAQmx 9.3. The board accepts both AC and DC coupling and I can successfully set it in the Test panel on NI MAX, but I can't find a function to set the channels coupling on Labview.

Thanks for the help


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author tooooommi

Hi Tommaso,


AC/DC coupling can be set in a couple of ways in LabVIEW. One is to use the DAQ Assistant in the DAQmx palette. The other one is to use the Channel node, still in the DAQmx palette, and select Analog Input -> General Properties -> input Configuration -> Coupling. Then adding a constant you can choose the right coupling for you.


Hope everything works out!

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Message 2 of 3

It worked! Thanks a lot!



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