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NI 6220 PCI Startup

Just a quick question regaring the PCI version of the 6220.  What transaction (read or write) on the NI 6220 happens on startup?  If someone was to abruptly turn off the power of a PC with the NI 6220, does the MAX database get corrupted?  If this database gets corrupted does any firmware on the NI 6220 card get corrupted?


Thanks in advance.


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Message 1 of 5

The NI 6220 will only identify itself to the computer - it does not read or write anything on startup. So, if the power of the host PC was turned off, the MAX database should be unaffected. If a read/write operation was taking place when the power was cut, it is possible but unlikely. If the MAX database were to be corrupted, the firmware on the card should be unaffected. 


If you are dealing with a corrupted database issue I'd be happy to help, but I'd need more detail. Otherwise, I hope this answers your questions!

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Message 2 of 5
And as noted in the manual, you can set the power up states of the digital lines.
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Message 3 of 5



I'm seeing the NI 6220 not coming up after a system I am using has it's power abruptly turned off.  I've cloned two hard drives and tested a system that would cycle the power.  After a day, I noticed I was not able to communicate with the 6220 card.  I've compared the *.inf driver files and both are identical, however when I compared the max.mx5, I noticed it has changed compared the good hard drive.  Just curious what the NI6220 looks for in *.mx5 database when starting up.



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Message 4 of 5

I'm not sure what the device looks for in the database on startup, but you can probably resolve the issue by simply resetting the database. See the link below for steps on how to do this.


What is the Process for Resetting the MAX Database?

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Message 5 of 5