Multifunction DAQ

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Output task continuity

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I have recently acquired a USB-6001 that will be used in a test fixture I am designing.


I am very experienced in LabVIEW, but mainly in instrument control, and not in DAQ devices.


Reading in data is fairly intuitive and simple, but I am having trouble understanding digital out tasks.


For instance...


I have a state diagram style test program (enum, while loop, and case structure). If in one step of the test, ie one case of my case structure, I want to set a digital output high, do I need to leave the task running for that output to stay high? Can I stop the output (using DAQmx Stop or even clear the task and have that output remain high? Is it more resource intensive if I keep that task open without clearing it? I will be changing that line later in the test, but should I keep the task open and running, or should I stop and/or clear the task?


I know, a lot of questions, but I'm trying to just cover my all my bases.

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Accepted by bshover

Digital lines will stay asserted after the task is clear. Running a task requires memory but unless you have rigid memory specifications it's easier to just leave the task running. I hope that answers your questions.



National Instruments
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